Internet service providers (service options may vary depending on your neighborhood)
Drinking Water (these are usually around $25 MXN per 5 gallon jug and the jug must be swapped out for an empty one or you will be charged a water jug fee of about $80 MXN)
- Agua Ciel (322)209-0150 or (322)209-0849 or (322)226-8999
- Agua Santorini (322)290-0640
Running Water
- Seapal (322) 226-9191
Gas (depending on the type of gas tank you have you will request a gas cylinder or for the gas truck to fill your stationary gas tank)
- Sonigas: (322)209-0664
- Global Gas: (322)290-1010
- CFE (24 hrs a day) 071
Housekeeping Service
- Mara’s Maids (homes, condos, apartments): (322)221-3944
- www.marasmaids.com
Laundry Service (collection and delivery service)
- Aquamatic: (322)222-5978
Groceries & Produce (delivery service)
- Comercializadora Galindo (322) 299-0163
- Soriana en Linea
Handyman Services
- Joel Maintance (general handyman services): (322)779-5600